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Enhancing Human–building Interfaces: Integrating Responsive Materials Into Existing Building Surfaces
Traditional Human-Building Interfaces (HBIs) have mainly served as standalone media facades and screens with limited interaction. In this paper we explore enhancing HBIs by integrating interactive and adaptable technologies into existing building surfaces. It reviews two innovative prototypes: PainterFace and PixelGel. PainterFace enhances brick wall interactivity, while PixelGel uses a thermally sensitive hydrogel skin on windows to respond to environmental stimuli like temperature and moisture. These prototypes use conductive and synthetic biomaterials to enable dynamic reconfiguration, communication, and environmental responses. This approach represents a novel integration of responsive materials into HBIs. The paper discusses design considerations and challenges, providing insights for future applications of responsive materials in building surfaces. The findings suggest that HBIs can significantly improve occupant engagement and interaction, marking a shift towards more efficient and responsive architectural designs, and heralding a new phase in the integration of these technologies in the built environment.